Embracing Value-Based Purchasing – The Future is Now by Robert Evans, VP of Repricing Solutions | WorkCompWire | Jun 2015

In his second installment of the Leaders Speak series, Rising VP of Repricing Solutions Robert Evans writes about the practical steps the workers’ comp industry can take towards value-based purchasing. His best advice is not to wait for that “silver bullet,” there are models the industry can use today and build upon for tomorrow.

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Rising Delivers Surgical Case Rates in Major Florida Markets | Mar 2015

Value-Based Surgical Care Comes to Florida Workers’ Compensation /
March 25, 2015 – Chicago, IL – The merits of value-based care in workers’ compensation have been long recognized as a viable concept. Adoption, however, has been another story. The industry has flirted with the idea over the years, but sustained models are rare.

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