“Claims Advocacy” is fast getting the attention of workers’ comp claims leaders as a powerful approach to better claims outcomes. The on-demand economy has created cultural and multi-generational expectations around service, speed and simplicity – expectations that raise the bar for engaging injured workers. We found some claims leaders – from Starbucks, Albertsons Safeway, Nationwide Insurance, and Sedgwick – who have already figured out what to do. This article, co-authored by Rising’s Work Comp Benchmarking Study Program Director Rachel Fikes and industry journalist/consultant Peter Rousmaniere, uses interviews and study insights to describe the advocacy concept and how to walk the walk. Four minutes to read.
The Power of Claims Advocacy: Thriving in an On-Demand Economy by Rachel Fikes, VP & Workers’ Comp Benchmarking Study Program Director | May 2016
Medicare Paves the Way by Rising CEO Jason Beans | Risk & Insurance | Apr 2016
Federal health care regulators are paving the way for a value-based purchasing approach in workers’ compensation. Rising CEO Jason Beans outlines Medicare’s assertive advances to replace the fee-for-service model, their impressive outcomes, and takeaways for workers’ comp in his Risk & Insurance Risk Insider column.
Overcoming Workers’ Comp Fraud with Detection Technology featuring Rising’s Work Comp Benchmark Study | Property Casualty 360 | Apr 2016
Fraud analytics can help detect suspicious injury claims, fraudulent providers, and premium avoidance scams. In this article, Rising’s Work Comp Benchmark Study results shed light on the adoption of analytics by payers.
Study: Claim Costs Impacted by Who Chooses the Provider featuring Anne Kirby, Chief Compliance Officer & VP of Care Management | Work Comp Central | Dec 2015
States that allow employers to choose a health care provider for an injured worker have a lower average medical cost per claim than states where employees can choose their provider, according to a study by Liberty Mutual Insurance. Anne Kirby, Rising’s Chief Compliance Officer & VP of Care Management, comments on the study findings.
Read Full Article on Work Comp Central (subscription required)
What 700 Workers’ Compensation Claims Leaders Are Telling Us by Rachel Fikes, VP & Workers’ Comp Benchmarking Study Program Director | Claims & Litigation Management (CLM) Alliance’s WC magazine | Oct 2015
This article highlights key findings from Rising’s 2015 Workers’ Compensation Benchmarking Study. Rising’s VP & Study Program Director Rachel Fikes co-authors the piece with industry journalist and consultant, Peter Rousmaniere. Together they summarize the insights from hundreds of claims leaders on the state of claims management today and their strategic vision for the future.
“Drive-By Doctoring” a Reason for Value-Based Purchasing by Rising CEO Jason Beans | Risk & Insurance | Sep 2015
Only in U.S. health care can you be charged for a service foisted upon you while unconscious. A different model could fix that. Rising CEO Jason Beans shares some thoughts on dishonest practices in healthcare, and how value-based purchasing can eliminate them in his Risk & Insurance Risk Insider column.
Embracing Value-Based Purchasing – The Future is Now by Robert Evans, VP of Repricing Solutions | WorkCompWire | Jun 2015
In his second installment of the Leaders Speak series, Rising VP of Repricing Solutions Robert Evans writes about the practical steps the workers’ comp industry can take towards value-based purchasing. His best advice is not to wait for that “silver bullet,” there are models the industry can use today and build upon for tomorrow.