Lean Strategy to Cut ALAE and Losses by Anne Kirby, Chief Compliance Officer & VP of Care Management | WorkCompWire | Aug 2016

America has become more productive by applying Lean Six Sigma principles to running businesses. Now we have evidence that a lean approach works in managing medical treatment for work injuries. Anne Kirby, Chief Compliance Officer & VP of Care Management, discusses this approach that stands conventional medical management on its head.

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Bundled Care’s Place in Workers’ Comp featuring Robert Evans, VP of Repricing Solutions | Risk & Insurance | Aug 2016

Bundled care programs – an alternative care model emphasizing quality over quantity – has gained significant adoption amongst Medicare and group health providers. Robert Evans, VP of Repricing Solutions, shares Rising’s experience as one of the first organizations to bring bundled arrangements to the workers’ comp market.

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Compounding and Rampant Care in Workers’ Comp by Rising CEO Jason Beans | Risk & Insurance | Jul 2016

Compound prescription growth in workers’ compensation is a striking example of how the lack of consumer involvement can cause treatment to expand from reasonable to rampant care. In his Risk & Insurance Risk Insider column, Rising CEO Jason Beans outlines how state oversight and inroads from within claims payer and managed care organizations can help rein in compounding.

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Detailed Bill Review May Help Block Fraud featuring Jason Beans, Chief Executive Officer | Work Comp Central | Jun 2016

As California officials are calling for a review of workers’ comp fraud fighting practices in the state, some cost containment providers are saying that bill review can be an effective tool for detecting fraud. Jason Beans, Rising’s Chief Executive Officer, shares some of the company’s bill review practices for detecting fraud.

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The Power of Claims Advocacy: Thriving in an On-Demand Economy by Rachel Fikes, VP & Workers’ Comp Benchmarking Study Program Director | May 2016

“Claims Advocacy” is fast getting the attention of workers’ comp claims leaders as a powerful approach to better claims outcomes. The on-demand economy has created cultural and multi-generational expectations around service, speed and simplicity – expectations that raise the bar for engaging injured workers. We found some claims leaders – from Starbucks, Albertsons Safeway, Nationwide Insurance, and Sedgwick – who have already figured out what to do. This article, co-authored by Rising’s Work Comp Benchmarking Study Program Director Rachel Fikes and industry journalist/consultant Peter Rousmaniere, uses interviews and study insights to describe the advocacy concept and how to walk the walk. Four minutes to read.

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